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Procurement Services


How we pay our contractors and suppliers

Payment is usually net 30 days upon receipt of a correctly rendered invoice detailing the relating PO number, unless otherwise agreed.

Payment terms are normally set out in the contract documents, but they may be stage payments, annual/quarterly/monthly payments or payment on completion.

To ensure that your invoice is dealt with efficiently and to avoid delays, please ensure that you:

  • submit the invoice in the format agreed in the contract;
  • quote the order number and/or contract title;
  • address it to the correct person and location;

Please note that there is not a central invoice address and you should check the University purchase order for the correct billing address

  • ensure that it adds up correctly;
  • include as much information as possible about what the invoice is for.

Our preferred method of payment is by BACS, individual departments/schools/faculties  should be contacted in the first instance in the event of any query.

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